Student Works – Music Composition and Performance


Background of Ziteng

Zi Teng came to Teacher Ding’s school in 2017. He was almost 11 years old at the time and suffered from severe anorexia.
When he first came to Teacher Ding, Zi Teng weighed 19 kg and was 118 cm tall. The standard weight for a 10-year-old Chinese boy is 33 kg and 140 cm tall. The difference in weight is 14 kg and the difference in height is 22 cm.
From the above data, we can see that Zi Teng was already a typical deformed child. In order for the child to grow up healthily, his parents visited almost all hospitals in China.
When they handed Zi Teng over to the teacher, Zi Teng's parents told the teacher in tears: "We don't have any other extravagant hopes. We just hope that this child can grow up to be a normal person. Otherwise, how will this child survive in the future?"
In the video, you see today's Zi Teng - a confident and sunny boy with excellent academic performance. Especially in music, he has an extremely outstanding performance.
After Zi Teng recovered his physical and mental health step by step with his teacher, under the teacher's enlightenment and his own efforts, he burst out his musical talent that was deeply hidden in his genes and had long been abandoned by his poor physical and mental health. After recovering physically and mentally, based on his original level of piano level 3, he only took one year to achieve a leap from piano exam level 3 to level 10 and then to professional level. Yes, one year. At present, he has won awards in many city, provincial and international competitions. In the recent Toronto regional piano competition, he won the first place in the competition for playing Chopin's Waterfall Etude and Moonlight Sonata. His piano playing is loved by many people. In many piano performances and concerts held by Westerners, the pieces he played are always the highlight of the program.
In my spare time, I also compose some original piano pieces, which I will later present to everyone on the website.
Now please quietly enjoy the music he plays.

Chopin Waterfall Etude

This video was recorded at the 2023 Toronto Music Competition

The waterfall etude played by Zi Teng won the first place in this competition.


Moonlight Sonata Movement 3

This video shows Zi Teng's piano performance at a concert in 2023


Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6

This video shows Zi Teng's piano performance at a concert in 2023


Xuanxuan's background

Lucky Us Instrumental Music MV

Currently used as background music for Teacher Ding's education website

Composer: Xuan Xuan
Performed by: Zi Teng

MV of the bird yearning for freedom

Currently used as background music for Teacher Ding's education website

Composer: Xuan Xuan
Performed by: Zi Teng
