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Shared by Ma Haoyuan

Ma Haoyuan 2015.9.30

        Hello everyone, my name is Ma Haoyuan, and I am currently a freshman at Nanjing University of Telecommunications Engineering. Today I am here to share with you some of my experiences and thoughts about the education I received from Teacher Ding. I hope you like it.

        I went to junior high school at the Affiliated Middle School of Chang'an University in Xi'an. At that time, I was a typical gangster in the eyes of teachers and classmates. I often bribed some senior students to help me fight. A few months before I came to Teacher Ding, the school had contacted my parents many times and persuaded them to take me home. My mother felt desperate at that time. It happened that she heard the news about Teacher Ding at this time. Later, my mother got to know Teacher Ding and finally decided to send me to Teacher Ding for education. I came to Teacher Ding in the second half of the second year of junior high school. Of course, since I was a gangster, my academic situation can be imagined.

        Before I came to Teacher Ding, I only knew 24 of the 26 English letters, and I had never passed math. My last mock test before I came to Teacher Ding was 36 points, and my grade ranking was among the bottom few in the school. Then, a miracle happened. After only one and a half months of studying with Teacher Ding, in the school monthly exam, I scored 96 points in math, ranking third in the grade, and 78 points in English. Both subjects were scored on a 100-point scale, and these changes in grades can be found in the school's academic transcripts that year.) What's interesting is that my teacher questioned my grades at the time and once thought that I was plagiarizing from my classmates. I asked the teacher at that time, I was ranked last in the grade, and my neighbor's grades were not good. Looking at the students around me, who should I copy from, and who could I copy to get such a good grade? The teacher thought about it and let the matter go. By the second exam, my math was still at the top of the grade, and I got the first place in the grade in physics. Only then did the teacher really recognize my progress, and felt extremely incredible about my progress and grades. Through me, my head teacher got to know Teacher Ding. After communicating with Teacher Ding about issues related to educating children, my head teacher said, "I finally know the reason for your huge change."

Studying and living with Teacher Ding, not only my study, personality and psychology have undergone tremendous changes, but also my physical changes have been earth-shaking. I have always been in poor health since I was a child and often had nightmares. When I came to Teacher Ding, I was 140cm tall and weighed only 60 catties at the age of 14. Two months later, my weight surged to 110 catties, an average of almost one kg per day, and my height grew by 20 cm in a year. Whenever I tell others about this, many people don’t believe it. If it hadn’t happened to me, I wouldn’t believe it. But to be honest, in the environment where my classmates and I live, this kind of incredible or miraculous things in the eyes of others happen almost every day. You can see specific miracles happening from the achievements shared by other children. As for how these miracles happened to us, whether in terms of study, psychology or physical health, although I have some insights, I am still worried that I have not expressed it well or summarized it adequately. So if you students and parents are willing, you should read Teacher Ding’s articles and videos. I believe that Teacher Ding’s explanation will make you see things clearly.

        In the third year of junior high school, I always ranked first in my grade in physics, and always ranked among the top in mathematics and English. In the mock exams before the high school entrance examination, I scored around 110 points in each subject. I was admitted to our local Gaoxin No. 3 Middle School with an excellent score of 570 points in the high school entrance examination. When my mother received the admission notice from Gaoxin No. 3 Middle School, she jumped and jumped in the house until the neighbor downstairs came up to see what happened in the house. When my mother saw the neighbor, she hugged him and shouted, "My son was admitted to Gaoxin No. 3 Middle School!" Gaoxin No. 3 Middle School is a public school in Gaoxin Middle School. The tuition fee is only 800 yuan per semester. For my family, which is not very wealthy, this is like a pie in the sky, and its teaching quality is not inferior to Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School. You can imagine how excited my mother was that I could go to this school!

        After the high school entrance exam, I left Teacher Ding, but the changes in my body, mind, study and learning ability are unquestionable, and these abilities have been accompanying me in my study and growth today and in the future. Compared with other students, I now think that I am more capable, more confident, and more efficient in learning. This year, I was successfully admitted to Nanjing Institute of Telecommunications Engineering in the college entrance examination (my college entrance examination experience also benefited from the precious time I spent with Teacher Ding, but due to limited space, I will have the opportunity to share with you the wonderful and tortuous experience of that time in the future).

        Looking back now, I am really lucky. From a student abandoned by the school and with physical disabilities to the enthusiastic, cheerful, confident and healthy me now, all these changes started with the education of Teacher Ding. This is the most important moment in my life: Thank you to my parents for allowing me to study here and for their unconditional support and cooperation with Teacher Ding. Thank you to Teacher Ding for reshaping my life and changing my future.

        If you parents need anything and want to contact me, please contact Feidu Education and they will tell you my contact information. Thank you.

Teacher Ding's comments:

        As for study, judging from Haohao's grades before he came, his average score for each subject was 20 to 30 points, which is not bad at any place. Considering his condition at that time, it was almost impossible for him to pass the domestic high school entrance examination. After graduating from junior high school, the child's future was really hard to predict.

        Later, his high school entrance exam results were A. Although the whole A Xi'an High-tech No. 1 Middle School and Xi'an University of Technology Affiliated Middle School It is not a difficult level for a student to reach, but compared with the state before Haohao came, the progress is undoubtedly huge. During the one and a half years of study, the child has become stronger physically, more positive mentally, and his academic performance and self-study ability have improved. It has really made a huge difference.Education that changes your child's life"Keeping his promise, Haohao is now studying at Nanjing University of Telecommunications Engineering and is confidently walking on the right path of self-improvement.

        However, I would like to explain another issue: When Haohao came, what impressed me most was his physical condition: 14 The boy was 6 years old and still growing. He had a big head and a small body. He looked thin and deformed. I was deeply moved. To be honest, when I saw this child, I was so sad that I almost cried. When his parents talked to me about the child's condition, I never mentioned the child's physical condition, let alone his thoughts and psychological state. They just heard that I was improving the child. There are many such pathetic parents in China today! They ignore their children's physical and mental health, and only care about the grades that can bring them vanity! (I am not here to I am not criticizing Haohao's mother, but criticizing a social phenomenon. I am not saying that learning is not important. Learning is very important for students. I talked about this in my lecture on educational philosophy). What I meant is that if Haohao keeps 140 Height,60 If a boy weighs only 100 kilograms and has an extremely unhealthy body, how can he gain a foothold in society in the future? How to get married and have children? As parents, when your children cannot have both the bear's paw and the fish, and must make a choice, what is the most important thing? For a boy, would you choose health or grades that harm health? This multiple-choice question is very important for thinking. This is self-evident to normal parents, but in my teaching career I have seen too many parents who chose the wrong answer. Our parents are sometimes so confused.

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