Teacher Ding's words to parents: Please focus on the content of the lecture

I did not take the approach of writing the courseware first and then recording it. I think that although the language is accurate, people will feel stiff and rigid when watching the video, as if they are reading from a script. Therefore, I recorded my video without a script. I believe that such a video will give people a sense of presence and intimacy. At the same time, with constant repetition and emphasis, I can also express the content I want to explain more perfectly and clearly. Of course, there are pros and cons. Since there is no script, the accuracy of the video language expression is inevitably insufficient, which may make the video a little rough. However, as long as everyone can calm down,Focus on the educational content I talk about, rather than other aspects unrelated to the educational content, then you will definitely gain huge benefits.
Of course, I will take the time to continuously improve the content of my courses later.
