Summary of my growth in Feidu

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Summary of my growth in Feidu

Xiao Jingyi 2018.8

Hello everyone, I am Xiao Jingyi, a former student of the Affiliated High School of Shaanxi Normal University. I came to Uncle Ding (now called Feidu Education) when I was in the third grade of junior high school (less than a year before the 2015 high school entrance examination). At that time, I ranked among the bottom five out of 57 students in the class. Less than a year after coming to Teacher Ding, I was admitted to the Second Affiliated High School of Xi'an Jiaotong University with an excellent score of 614 points in the high school entrance examination, ranking second in the class. In the second semester of the first year of high school, after many twists and turns, I returned to Uncle Ding to prepare for the college entrance examination. This year, I was admitted to Xi'an Petroleum University, a first-class university, with a total score of 532 points. This score may not be very satisfactory in the eyes of many so-called top students, but for me, it is so precious to get such a score. Before this, I never thought that I would be able to get into high school or even college, and that my life would change so wonderfully.

In a few days, I will leave this place where I have grown up for nearly 4 years. Because some parents often ask me curiously, what is the difference between Feidu education and traditional school education, and what is good about Feidu? Therefore, I will talk about my understanding and feelings about Feidu education from the perspective of a student, as well as some differences between Feidu education and my experience of school education, so that later generations can have a preliminary understanding of this place.

New Arrival

The first time I came to Uncle Ding was during the summer vacation of my second year in junior high school. At that time, I was about to enter the third year of junior high school and face the high school entrance examination. At that time, my grades were terrible. As you can see, my English score in the college entrance examination was 138 points (full score 150), and I almost never passed English in junior high school. I was ranked in the bottom 5 in the class, and other subjects were also predictable. So it was definitely impossible for me to get into high school at that time. However, the god of luck descended on me, and my fate began to change amazingly from that summer vacation - I came to a magical place. Here, countless miracles of all sizes happened to me and other classmates.

When my parents first sent me here, I was actually indifferent and even very resistant. Because my grades were not good, my parents had enrolled me in various Mathematical Olympiad and English Olympiad cram schools and hired countless tutors since I was a child, but my grades did not change much. I was lucky to pass the exam occasionally. So I no longer had any hope for cram schools. I thought I could just hang around here for a few months, and when my parents found that my grades had not improved, they would transfer me to the next cram school, and I could continue to live like this. Secondly, because it was summer vacation, I could finish my summer homework at home with the answers, watch TV, and secretly play with my phone without telling my parents. I felt that such a life was very happy. So when I heard that I had to come to this place, find a place to stay, and study, I was actually quite unhappy.

At that time, I was one of the students who had been completely abandoned by our teachers. So for those of us who were "trash" in the class, we just lived day by day, never thinking about the high school entrance exam or the future, and we didn't dare to think about it. Even if we thought about it, we didn't know what to do, which only added to our troubles.

My parents always thought that I was a heartless person who didn't care about my bad grades, and played all day long without paying attention to my studies. In fact, they didn't know that I was sometimes anxious, knowing that I couldn't go on like this, but more often, I felt hopeless, a hopelessness that my own efforts would be useless. Countless self-struggles and countless failures forced me to give up and numb myself, using self-comfort that others couldn't understand to face the contemptuous eyes of the outside world, because I knew that it was impossible for me to pass the high school entrance examination, so I began to numb myself.

My mental state was very bad at that time. I was depressed at home and in school. I thought about suicide and jumping off the building. The scars on the back of my hands from cutting myself with a knife did not disappear until I graduated from high school. I would like to add here that it was later at my uncle's place that he made us understand a truth. Of course, this made all the children at his place both surprised and secretly glad. They were glad that they came to his place in time.

My uncle later explained, "Many parents do not understand their children's shameless character. In fact, this is a kind of psychological self-regulation ability that human nature possesses. If a child can always maintain a clear mind and sensitive reaction in the face of frequent and repeated contempt, abuse, and humiliation, but at the same time cannot avoid such humiliation, the child's spirit will eventually collapse and he will become a so-called mental patient. Although this kind of numbness of the child cannot be said to be a normal psychological state, it is a way to prevent mental progress. A method of collapse in one step. Human beings are lucky. When God created humans, He gave humans many abilities of self-improvement and adjustment. Unfortunately, even so, there are still so many adults and children in China who are wandering in this state between psychological problems and mental illness without knowing it. If this numb middle state is further destroyed by stronger external stimuli, the child will be forced to become a real mental patient. "Just like this, I came here in a very bad mental and physical state. But what happened to me in the first week shocked me.

Day 1

On the first day, I walked into my uncle's room with despair and indifference. However, in just one day, when I went to bed that night, I couldn't suppress the excitement in my heart, and my heart rekindled hope for the future. Yes, just one day.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard the neat voices of greeting. It was not like the weak voices before class in school. The enthusiasm immediately infected me, and I fell in love with this place. Later I learned that the uncle required everyone to greet each other when they met. This is the beginning of everyone's interaction and it is also a basic courtesy to people, especially when children face their elders.

That day, I spent the whole day learning English. In less than two hours, I had learned the English phonetic symbols, and then I kept on learning English spelling. It is impossible to learn too much knowledge in one day, but there have been some obvious changes in my heart. I am a person who gets excited after a short time. Because I have never liked English, in the past, if I had to study English only for a day, I would definitely feel bored and bored, and I would definitely not be able to persist. But that day, not only did I not feel bored, but I actually developed an interest in English.

In the past, my parents hired tutors to teach me phonetic symbols, but they failed many times. But never before did I learn English from my uncle. In just two hours, I was able to overcome the fear and disgust that accompanied me throughout my English learning process. I have never studied and memorized so seriously before. The reason is really simple. After applying the learning method taught by my uncle, I learned every detail of what I learned, so my interest and confidence naturally emerged.

After learning the phonetic symbols, I started learning spelling. I started at 10 a.m. and spent an hour and a half in the morning and three hours in the afternoon. By the evening, I could read the words in the book according to the phonetic symbols, and I was very fluent.

In the first week, I only learned English. I couldn't believe it until I went home on Friday. I could translate and understand a whole article by myself with the help of phonetic symbols and grammar books. In the past, I learned English by following the teacher and memorizing words and pronunciation of the text. If I could remember, I would remember it. If I couldn't remember, I would just follow the teacher and talk nonsense. I couldn't even read a few articles in a book by the end of the semester, let alone understand the content. So when I finished learning the text according to my uncle's method for the first time and explained it to him, I didn't expect that what I said was almost correct.

This seemingly small success gave me great encouragement. With such joy, I began to continue translating and reciting. I was reciting the text faster and faster. In the past, in school, I might need half an hour or even an hour to barely remember a short dialogue of 50 or 60 words, because I neither understood its meaning nor its pronunciation. Now that I understand its meaning and can pronounce every word, I find that reciting the text is really easy.

More importantly, I didn’t like studying because of my poor grades. I didn’t understand the point of studying and why I should study. But after that week, I started to like studying. Although I sometimes complained a little because of the hard work, I gained more happiness and sense of achievement from studying because of my grades and abilities. This change was something I could never have imagined before.

On the way home, I was thinking about what I had experienced this week. I thought, since I could learn English, which was my most hated subject, so quickly and so well, what about other subjects? Those subjects that I didn’t hate very much before, and even had some interest in and enjoyed learning, would I be able to learn them thoroughly and fall in love with them and love learning? Would my grades improve dramatically from now on? Would I have a hope to take the high school entrance examination and imagine my future? My parents would not be disappointed by my studies, and I would not be discouraged by my grades. As it turned out, all my doubts at that time were solved one by one in my subsequent studies.


Besides English, the subject I took the most cram school lessons in was mathematics. After learning English for a while at my uncle's place, I started to learn mathematics. Here, it is not like in school or many cram schools, where the teacher lectures on the stage and the students listen below. In school, especially in regular classes, the teacher lectures on the stage, but there are actually very few students who actually listen to the class. Most of them are either chatting, sleeping, playing with their phones, reading novels, or eating. Because it is impossible for teachers to take care of all the students, and many teachers are talking to themselves on the stage, only paying attention to the so-called good students that the teachers like, and not paying much attention to most students. So it is conceivable that many people's grades are naturally not that good.

But it is different here. All the courses are completed by the children themselves. The uncle only taught us how to read books and how to study by ourselves. He answered questions when we had them and checked whether our learning tasks were completed. When I started to learn mathematics, my uncle took a tutorial book and told me how to read books and how to study by myself. At that time, I suddenly felt that learning was such a simple thing. At the same time, I also understood why people should study. In the past, I studied just for exams and to satisfy my parents, so I had no interest in actively studying. But with my uncle, I understood that learning is to enrich myself and to have a good future.

From then on, with the help of my uncle, I developed a great interest and enthusiasm for mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The scores of unit tests also increased from 50 to 60 points at the beginning to 80 to 90 points (out of 100). The second month after that, I returned to school to take the midterm exam, and my English and mathematics scores ranked third and eleventh in the class respectively. I was shocked by the huge change in my grades.


At the end of the first semester of my third year in junior high school, my parents wanted me to go back to school for some reasons and didn’t want me to stay here any longer. In the past, I never dared to tell my parents my true thoughts and feelings, and they arranged everything for me. I also had no way of judging whether my parents’ arrangements were good or bad for me.

Just like when I was in primary school and going to junior high school, my father hoped that I could go to the Affiliated High School of Shaanxi Normal University, because it was one of the best schools in our area, one of the so-called top five schools, and he thought it would make him proud. So even though my grades were not good enough to go to that school, he still used money and connections to send me to the school.

Because I didn’t get into the school through legitimate means, I couldn’t keep up with my classmates’ learning progress, and I couldn’t speak when my classmates asked about my test scores. I felt inferior and ashamed. I felt really bad during those years in school. My academic performance was not good, and our school was near a place where wealthy people gathered. Many classmates spent money lavishly and had many bad habits, which led to my relationship with my classmates being unharmonious. In addition, the teachers also favored students who were good at studying or had rich families. So for a long time, after I arrived at the school, I was like a mute, basically not talking, and not communicating with others.

But my parents never knew how I felt. They were proud that their daughter could study in one of the top five universities, but they didn't know my pain. There was a time when I felt like I was going crazy. But because I was cowardly and had low self-esteem, I never told my parents about this.

At my uncle's place, I gradually became cheerful and confident. The books, articles and stories he made us read and told us helped me gradually gain some ability to judge right from wrong. I know that I am happy every day here. Because before, I didn't even know whether I was in pain or happiness. I was in pain every day, but I still consoled myself by playing on my phone or reading novels: "Look, isn't this good?" I was so confused and dazed.

In Feidu, I can clearly see my changes and progress. I used to write a diary to express my loneliness and anger. Later, I compared my previous diary with the one I wrote after coming here, and I found that my previous despair and despair were gone. I became cheerful and full of hope. Now, with the guidance of my uncle, I am willing to speak out my thoughts and try to adjust myself to get rid of this emotion instead of being depressed.

So when I knew that my parents didn't want me to stay here any longer, I wrote a letter to them, telling them about the changes that had happened to me here and that I wanted to continue studying and living here. I had attended many cram schools before, but this was the only place that made me fall in love with learning and want to stay here, where I could see the changes in myself every day and where I was willing to stay with these kind, friendly and enthusiastic people. Here, my heart was happy and full of hope. In the end, they accepted my idea and agreed that I could continue studying with my uncle.

Work and rest

We get up at 6:30 every morning and have 5 minutes to wash up. My uncle told us that if a person is lazy and sloppy in his behavior, it reflects that he must be lazy and sloppy in his heart. So my uncle asked us to do everything neatly. When you develop a habit, you will find that your work efficiency has improved a lot.

After washing up, we started to stand on the piles. This has a great impact on our bodies. After a period of time, everyone's body has become much healthier and stronger. After standing on the piles, it is our breakfast time. Here, the daily schedule is fixed, and a fixed schedule is very good for the body. My schedule at school was very irregular. I often skipped breakfast, didn't eat much for lunch and dinner, didn't sleep at noon, and stayed up late at night playing with my mobile phone. As a result, I was drowsy every day, couldn't lift my spirits, and often fell asleep in class.

After breakfast, we started the first round of study at 7:30. The study time is one and a half hours, and then a half-hour break. What is different from school is that teachers in school are always used to extending the class time, thinking that we can learn more. In fact, it is not the case. Every day when the teacher extends the class, we students are very unhappy sitting down, and we don’t listen seriously. We always hope that the teacher can finish the class quickly. We can’t concentrate and can’t listen at all. In the end, we didn’t rest well, and we didn’t learn well. Time was wasted.

The uncle here never allows us to stay in class late. He tells us to rest well during rest time and study well during study time. Otherwise, we will not be able to study well in the next hour and a half just to study for the extra 5 minutes. In fact, our rest time is not like in school, where we chat and hang out. We read books during rest time, especially extracurricular books. The uncle said that reading is actually learning Chinese, and in the process of reading, we can improve our reading and thinking abilities. So our rest time is actually also learning, and we learn in a very relaxed way.

After lunch at 12 noon, we will take a nap until 2 pm. After getting up, it is our meditation time. My uncle said that meditation can improve and regulate our body and improve our wisdom. Because of meditation, I have not been sick in the third year of junior high school. I used to have some minor health problems. I often had stomachaches for no reason. My parents took me to do B-ultrasound but couldn't find out what the problem was. They could only prepare some painkillers for me to take when I couldn't stand it. Including the colds and coughs that I often had before, they have not appeared again after I insisted on meditating every day. And I used to have severe motion sickness. Every time I went out to travel with my parents, I had almost no time and energy to appreciate the scenery along the way. I felt nauseous and wanted to vomit as soon as I got on the car. Sometimes taking motion sickness medicine in advance didn't work. Because of the discomfort, I had no appetite for many local delicacies and missed a lot of things. But now, I can finally enjoy the scenery and eat a lot of delicious food in the car, and fully enjoy the fun of traveling.

The most important thing is that when I was in the second grade of junior high school, I had a wart with a diameter of 6 or 7 mm on the back of my left hand. This thing could not go away naturally. However, through the years of meditation and conditioning my body at my uncle's place, by the time I left here after the college entrance examination, the wart on the back of my hand had disappeared, leaving only a little pigmentation.

The meditation lasts for one and a half hours, and it is actually very painful. But all the children here like to meditate because we can clearly feel the changes in our bodies brought by meditation, and it can make our bodies better and better. Meditation also trains one's willpower. My uncle said that if you can persist in meditating even when it hurts, then you can also persist in studying. These things are all connected.

When we meditate, we also read some articles about gods and Buddhas, and about the principles of life. Not only do we read, but after reading, we also take turns to talk about our own experiences and gains. This is also to exercise our ability to analyze, understand and express. At the same time, we also learned a lot of principles for dealing with people and the standards for judging right and wrong. It can be said that it is a win-win situation.

Because of learning Buddhism, my heart has also changed a lot. I used to have thoughts of jumping off a building or committing suicide, but because of learning Buddhism, I realized that this is wrong. Because of learning Buddhism and my increasingly happy mood, I quickly abandoned this thought, and I also knew that no matter what happens in the future, I will never have such thoughts again. I know about karma and that people should be kind. In the past, I always thought that those tiny lives, such as insects, were insignificant, but now I know that I should cherish life, whether it is someone else's or my own. So I will not kill, nor will I lie or curse.

I understand that everything that happens around us is arranged by the gods and Buddhas, so I will not complain about what happens to me, nor will I be too sad or unbearable because of these difficulties. No matter what happens, we can accept it calmly. Therefore, learning during this period is very important for our psychological changes.

We have an hour every day to go out and play basketball, run, etc. At the beginning, my parents were still worried about my physical education scores in the high school entrance examination because I stayed here all the time and didn't participate in the physical education training organized by the school every day. In fact, their worries were all unnecessary. We regulate our bodies when we meditate, and we stand on the poles and exercise every day to exercise our bodies, so the basic physical fitness of the children here is very good. When I took the physical education high school entrance examination, I only exercised the items to be tested a week before the exam. As a result, I passed all the items in the exam with full marks, which was much better than those classmates in our class who participated in school training every day.

Whenever we go out for activities, we play basketball or other games. Of course, some of us don't have good skills. But we never stop playing with someone just because they don't have good skills or we think they are not good enough. If someone doesn't know how to play, we will patiently teach him. If someone doesn't have good skills, we will share our experiences with him, and everyone will be happy.

Unlike in school, if someone is not good at playing, no one wants to be in the same group with her, and once she loses, all the blame will be put on her. It seems that the classmate is good for nothing, and she feels bad when she is often criticized. Everyone here understands that everyone has their own strengths. Some people may not be good at sports, but they may be particularly talented in painting. If you laugh at others in this aspect, others can also laugh at you in the aspect you are not good at. Respect and tolerance are relative, so we never laugh at or despise others. And my uncle taught us to learn to reflect on our own mistakes, not to shirk responsibility, and not to make excuses.

Many things seem to happen due to external reasons, but my uncle told us that there must be something you did wrong, otherwise it would not happen to you. Even if some people often make mistakes or mess up, they can't always make mistakes. It's possible that we are wrong too. We can't wrongly accuse someone for no reason. No one likes to be wronged. So no matter what happens here, my uncle will investigate the cause before punishing a person.

Uncle never wrongly accuses a child, but he also never lets any child's mistakes go. We also learned self-reflection in this process. All of us freshmen have to go through a process after coming here, which is to practice the correct way to hold chopsticks. Uncle said that as long as the children persist in correcting themselves, they will also be able to persist in their studies. If they don't have patience and perseverance in such small things, they will not have good grades in their studies.

When we eat, we must not leave any rice, we must not smack our lips, and we must hold the bowl with our hands, which indicates that we will have a stable meal in the future. We must not cross our legs when sitting, and we must hold our heads high and chest out when walking. We must not sit or stand in an untidy manner.

Many parents may think that we have too many rules here, but these are actually excellent things in Chinese tradition. Uncle said that a person's inner psychology can be reflected in his behavior, and similarly, changing a person's behavior can also change his heart. So uncle attaches great importance to the details of our behavior, which is why uncle can make a child change dramatically. Because our changes start from all aspects of a child, many details.

After dinner, we still have 3 hours of study time. Some of our children's parents see us happy all day and always think that we are very relaxed here, as if we are playing every day. What an ignorant idea. Our happiness is based on the knowledge we have learned and on being tired and happy. It has no direct relationship with the intensity of learning. In fact, our daily study time is very long and the intensity is also very high. There are 9-10 hours of pure study time every day, which does not include the time we discuss reading experience and read on our own.

At the same time, our study is different from the lazy study in school. We are highly focused during study time, gaining something every minute and every second, not doing useless work, and the study efficiency is very high. Therefore, we are very tired after finishing each unit, so it is necessary to have a full rest between study sessions.

Because the children here are very efficient in their studies, even though I was under pressure from the middle school entrance exam and the college entrance exam, I never stayed up all night during the exam. During the nearly 4 years I was with my uncle, I got up at 6:30 every morning and went to bed at 11:00 at night. Many of my classmates at school had white hair at a young age due to the pressure of studying and staying up late for a long time. But I not only didn’t have a single white hair, but also grew waist-length hair during this period. Many of my classmates were envious when they saw me.


I mentioned before that my parents had asked me to go back to school in the second semester of my third year of junior high school. Later, I wrote a letter to my parents and they agreed to my idea. In the letter, I told my parents about some of the situations I felt here and some of the changes in myself.

First, after I came here, I had a goal in both study and life. The books I read and the truths my uncle taught me gave me motivation to move forward and gave me hope in my life.

Second, I gave my parents an example of the feelings I experienced here. In school, classmates are all scheming against each other, and there is little trust between them. Because I haven't been back to school for a long time, every time I go back, I am shocked by the changes in the class. I had a good relationship with several girls in the first and second grades of junior high school. We were all so-called good sisters. But when I went back one time, I suddenly found that they all began to exclude one person, and everyone was divided into different groups. Whenever I came into contact with one of the groups, they all told me not to pay attention to them, not to play with those people, and they were this and that. Everyone was saying bad things about the other group behind their backs.

I really don't like this kind of situation. Before, everyone was still good friends, but suddenly because of some strange reasons (such as saying that she is fat, or has a bad character, but in fact they can't say what is wrong with them), they started to attack and exclude each other. I still remember an incident that happened when I was in the second grade of junior high school. It was after an exam. There was a girl in the class who performed well in the exam and was the first in our class. As a result, after class, I suddenly found that girl sitting alone in the corridor crying. When I asked her why, she said that her good friend told her that because your test scores are too good, so I don’t want to play with you. But at my uncle’s place, I have never encountered this situation. Everyone is like a big family, very harmonious, everyone trusts each other and treats each other sincerely.

In school, teachers prefer students who are good at studying. Good things are arranged for students who are good at studying. Those of us who are poor at studying are basically ignored. And once something bad happens, it is all our fault. For example, there is a student in our class who has poor academic performance, but he likes to be naughty. Once the water dispenser in the class broke. The head teacher began to investigate which student broke it. In fact, no one knew who broke it this time, but almost everyone, including the head teacher, believed that he broke the water dispenser. No one listened to the student's defense. Another time, during class, the teacher asked a student to answer a question. The student didn’t know the answer and just said, “Teacher, I…” The teacher didn’t hear clearly and thought he was saying something bad about her. She started scolding the student on the podium. The student ran out of the classroom in anger. The teacher continued to say that the student had a bad character. Think about it, in such an environment, can we stay happy?

But here, uncle treats everyone equally and is absolutely fair to everyone. In this way, when encountering something, everyone knows why they can participate and why they cannot participate. Uncle always explains this principle to everyone clearly. Every time we divide things, everyone gets the same. He will not give you less or no more just because you do something wrong or don't study well.

I remember one time, we made a list of good things (everyone wrote down the work they had done, the purpose was to encourage everyone to find more problems and work actively. In the end, according to how much work everyone did, the uncle would give us a certain reward.), Jingjing, Wenwen and I did the most work, and the uncle said he would give us a small reward. But a week or two after that, Jingjing and I were lazy and did not record what we had done properly. Uncle found out and scolded us. Jingjing and I thought that because of our mistake this time, the uncle would not reward us again, but later when it was time to reward, the uncle still rewarded us as usual. The uncle said that the mistake was that this time was not the last time, and the reward that should have been given last time should still be given. We can often experience what it means to have a clear distinction between rewards and punishments.

This state makes me feel very comfortable because everyone is the same. In school, unfair treatment by teachers often makes us feel resentful, and we dislike the teacher and don’t listen to the teacher’s lectures, which affects our enthusiasm and grades in learning. But because of the uncle’s fair treatment, everyone is very happy, and their studies will not be affected by emotions. This atmosphere and living environment make me feel very relaxed. I don’t have to worry about whether my "good friends" are saying bad things about me behind my back, what rumors are coming out, and what I should do. Or I have to worry about this thing is missing, and that thing has been borrowed by someone and not returned to me. Although they are classmates, they are on guard against each other like enemies every day.

But here, this kind of thing has never happened. Everyone is very friendly and peaceful. Although I once had a quarrel with a classmate because of a small matter, we soon realized our mistakes and apologized to each other. After this incident, my relationship with that classmate became better. Of course, I was beaten by the uncle afterwards.

Although we sometimes do things that others don't like or are not used to, we won't say bad things behind our backs or tell the teacher about them like we did in school. Let the teacher teach them, and we will watch the fun from the side. Here, we will openly point out their mistakes to the uncle in front of our classmates and let the uncle correct them. Because we all know that the other party points out their mistakes to the uncle not to laugh at them, but because they sincerely hope that they can correct their mistakes and become better, for their own good. My uncle told us that the way to judge whether a person is a snitch or a legitimate report is very simple: is the report for the benefit of others or for personal venting?

I think the relationship between everyone here is a normal relationship between classmates and friends. It is so pure and simple. We can laugh and cry together, share delicious food and fun things together, and there is no pressure on interpersonal communication. Because I feel happy and feel true friendship here, I don’t want to go back to the school environment. I often need to go back to school to take exams or get some study materials. Through my former classmates and the phenomena I observed when we were together, I can clearly find out my previous bad state and my current changes.

For example, when I went out with my classmates, the first stop they went to was a cosmetics store. They were discussing this and that in the store. One girl even put on makeup with samples in the store. I felt very uncomfortable at the time because I felt that at our age, we shouldn't spend too much money and effort on these things.

But when I went out with Feidu's classmates, we would not go to such stores. My uncle taught us that all expenses must be shared, and there was no concept of who should pay. And we went to ordinary small stores and would not spend money recklessly. All the food we bought was shared equally, so we felt it was fair, and everyone felt comfortable and had a great time going out.

Because our pocket money now comes from our parents, and it is easy to cause conflicts if you treat me this time and I treat you later. It is easy to have unfair thoughts. But when I go out with my schoolmates, they go to expensive places and spend money lavishly. They are obviously children, but they rush to pay the bill and treat each other like adults in the workplace. They have been infected with many bad social trends.

Students nowadays have made swearing a kind of motto, and they will throw out a few curse words for no reason. In fact, they don’t mean to curse anyone, they just think it’s cool and trendy, as if they can’t express their inner feelings if they don’t say it. I used to be the same as them, but now I don’t say those bad words anymore. But because of this, every time I am among them, I feel uncomfortable when I hear them swearing.

In this short period of three and a half years, I feel that I have learned countless times more than what I learned in the past ten years. Not only did I learn how to learn, I also learned to reflect, to regulate my emotions, and to understand what is the true outlook on life and values. I also learned the correct way to get along with others - honesty, and I know what normal and simple interpersonal relationships are. Under such circumstances, how could I want to go back to the bad state I once was?

Extracurricular activities and showing off and being responsible

Here, we don't just study, we have a lot of spare time. We play basketball and badminton during our outdoor activities. We also paint, do handicrafts or practice musical instruments during our rest time. And my uncle also taught us how to quickly master painting or calligraphy skills. So during the time I came to my uncle, not only did my academic performance improve by leaps and bounds, but I also learned a lot of practical life skills.

Except for the uncle and an aunt who cooks, there are no other teachers or logistics staff here. So here, each of us is not only a student, but also a teacher, cook, maintenance worker, etc. And in the process, I learned not only specific skills and abilities, but also a correct way of thinking and mental state.

At first, I was very eager to show off. When I helped my uncle with other students’ studies, the purpose of explaining the questions to them was not to make them understand, but to show how good I was, so I often got half the result with twice the effort. At the same time, I was not responsible enough, and I did not supervise and check the learning content assigned to them in time. As a result, when my uncle checked, he found that the learning progress and quality of the children I was responsible for were problematic. Fortunately, my uncle’s timely inspection prevented the other students’ academic performance from declining.

For a while, we wanted to change the taste of the food cooked by auntie because we ate too much, so uncle decided to let us cook dinner by ourselves, but put forward a request that it should not interfere with study time. In fact, this request is not simple, we have to cook well and not take up study time, so we need to develop the habit of improving cooking (work) efficiency.

My uncle told us that we can actually do it. This is the same as what we learn here. We need to get good grades but not prolong our study time or stay up late. We need to spend time on everything from efficiency rather than simply prolonging our work or study time. My uncle also discovered my laziness, which led to the kitchen not being cleaned within the stipulated time. After continuous training, I changed my previous lazy state at work.

Sometimes when something here is broken, the uncle will take us to repair it ourselves. For me, this process not only allows me to learn how to use many tools and enhance my ability to live independently, but more importantly, the uncle taught me the correct way of thinking. For example, I am impatient. Before doing things, I never read the instructions before using items. I just started to fix them. As a result, I ended up doing a mess. The uncle told me that when doing anything, don't be anxious, you must think first, think through the whole process, use your brain more and do less. It can save a lot of energy and time. Well, in fact, I understood later that work and study are connected. When I was learning, my uncle repeatedly emphasized these principles to us and supervised us to do them.

So for me, every minute and every second here, I am learning, correcting the bad parts of my character, getting rid of those bad mentalities, and constantly improving myself and perfecting my abilities.

mobile phone

I used to like playing with my phone and reading novels, and I often stayed up late to do so. After coming to my uncle, he told me that this was a very bad habit and I had to give up my phone addiction.

But the method my uncle used was completely different from my parents. My parents didn’t want me to play with my phone before, so they confiscated my phone. But I ended up wanting it even more, and I tried every possible way to get it back, fighting wits and courage with my parents in the process. I would often rummage around the house looking for my phone when they weren’t paying attention, and when I found it, I would not tell anyone but play with it secretly, and then put it back where it was, pretending that I didn’t know where it was. I would also hide my phone under books when I was doing homework, playing with it secretly when my parents were not around, and hiding it as soon as they came, just like a thief. Alas, sometimes I understand that playing with mobile phones is not good, and I have told my parents that I will not play with them anymore. But after a while, I can’t help it and will play with them secretly behind my parents’ backs. In the process, the sense of frustration in my heart becomes deeper and deeper.

But my uncle is not like that. He told us that a person can only overcome his dependence (addiction) on anything from two aspects to completely solve the problem. The same is true for solving problems such as mobile phone and game addiction. 1. You must slowly and continuously cultivate your self-control. Don't think about quitting your mobile phone all at once, but make a little progress every day. For example, if you used to play until 12 o'clock in the evening, and you can control yourself and stop playing at 11:30 today, it is a kind of progress. Or set a rule for yourself, insist on not playing with your mobile phone for one hour today, and insist on two hours tomorrow. 2. Replace the habit of playing with mobile phones (or the habit of playing games, watching videos, etc.) with a good habit. In this way, we can slowly get rid of the addiction to playing with mobile phones. Moreover, since the goals set each time are very simple, and because when we want to play with mobile phones, we have the good habit of reading to replace this bad habit, we can stick to it, and the sense of accomplishment in our hearts becomes stronger and stronger!

It's not just about playing with mobile phones. We have overcome many problems with my uncle's methods, such as laziness and lack of concentration. My uncle has cultivated our self-control and confidence by solving and improving specific problems. Here, my uncle has brought us feelings and changes. We love and appreciate this place and my uncle in our hearts. No matter what words we use, we can't express them. My uncle gave me a new life and a brand new and hopeful life path. I still remember what my head teacher said to me when I graduated from junior high school, "I think you have changed. Compared with before, you now know what you want." I am really grateful to my uncle and grateful that I can come to this place.


Many parents are confused, why can we have such a big change here? My conclusion is that it depends on two reasons. The first reason is what I said before, here we have a good, fair and happy environment. Uncle said that the children in the school now have different degrees of mental problems. Maybe many people think that what uncle said is too absolute, how can all have mental problems? In fact, the longer I spend with uncle, the more I can understand his wisdom and the depth of his thoughts.

In our society, the quality of life is generally low. Parents should ask themselves: Do you really know what mental problems are? Do you really know the criteria for mental illness? If people don’t even know the most basic definition of mental illness, how can they identify mental illness? And how can they arbitrarily say that they have no mental problems? Imagine if a piece of land, whether the air, soil, or water source, is polluted, can healthy trees grow on this land?

No matter how good the saplings were before, once they come into contact with toxic water and soil, they will inevitably be polluted. There is really something wrong with the environment of Chinese society, but many of us don’t even know what the problem is, and of course we don’t know that there is something wrong with society. (Sorry, what I said here is a bit profound, and some people may not understand it. Alas, not everyone understands my thinking, so some parents can’t understand our thinking either. This is actually the sadness of Chinese society)

As the saying goes, it takes three years to learn well and three days to learn badly. The society is full of smoke and miasma now. School is no longer the simple cradle that people imagine. It’s just that parents are not in it, so of course they don’t know it. Therefore, the environment is very important for a person’s growth. And the unique and good environment here allows children to study simply and happily, and the gradual health of body and mind is also an inevitable result.

Another thing is faith. If I were to ask what my biggest gain from the three years with my uncle was, I think it was not excellent grades, nor specific skills or ways of thinking, but faith, a true faith in gods and Buddhas!

When my uncle first told us stories about gods, Buddhas, karma, etc., I was skeptical because no one in my family had any faith and we were all atheists. Temples and Taoist temples were just tourist attractions to me.

But later, as I read more articles and saw some miraculous experiences that happened to us, I gradually understood that gods and Buddhas really exist, and that cause and effect also exist.

Among the stories we read, there are a few sentences that impressed me deeply. "I have believed in Buddhism for many years, and I have the Buddha's teachings in my heart, and I am very happy. I follow the Buddha's teachings to be a good person. If I find out when I die that everything Buddhism taught me does not exist at all, what have I lost in this life?"; "When you die, if you find that the Buddha's teachings are true, and there are six realms of reincarnation and beyond the six realms of Buddha, what will you gain?"

Because I believe in gods and Buddhas, I have no fear. After the college entrance examination, I went to Japan with my parents. On the way, the plane encountered strong winds and was very bumpy. When landing, due to the strong wind on the ground, the plane landed three times but still did not land. Everyone on the plane could feel the weightlessness between the takeoff and landing of the plane. Afterwards, when my parents talked about their fear at the time, I found that I had no fear in my heart, but only peace. Because I firmly believe that the gods and Buddhas I believe in will definitely protect me.

Because I believe in gods and Buddhas, I have a fearful heart. Gods are watching our every move. I no longer have thoughts of suicide, because gods and Buddhas say that suicide is also killing and is also a sin. I will not hurt others, say bad things about others, or do things that hurt others and benefit myself. Because I know that everything will be repaid by myself.

Here, miracles happen to each of our children. It has become a part of our lives, and it makes us look forward to tomorrow and become a kind, sincere and patient person.


Human society is a huge dye vat. No matter what kind of people enter it, they will eventually be dyed with the same color - sin.

evil red.

After graduating from junior high school, my parents let me go back to high school, although I was very reluctant. During the year I spent with my uncle, I went from being a social scum to a person who loved learning and life. I thought I could maintain my previous state in the school environment, but fantasy is always beautiful, but it is illusory after all. After just a few months of school, I couldn't resist the temptation of the colorful school and returned to the drowsy days before. Every day, I played with my mobile phone endlessly and unrestrainedly and read some vulgar love novels. I could no longer focus on studying. My grades quickly plummeted.

Although my condition deteriorated rapidly during that half year, I still kept some principles thanks to my uncle's teachings. I think this is also the reason why I was able to return to my uncle's place and stay for two and a half years. For example, in this era where early love has become fashionable, everyone thinks that early love is normal. Even my grandmother in her 70s sometimes asks me if I have a boyfriend. But I have never thought about this. Another thing is swearing and using foul language. I have repeatedly advised the girls at the same table not to use foul language, as it is not only ungentlemanly, but also will lose their own blessings, but it has no effect. For them, this has become a language engraved in their bones, and they feel uncomfortable if they don't say it for an hour. Some of my classmates smoke, drink, go to illegal Internet cafes or KTVs. I have stopped doing these messy things. My uncle said that we should do things according to our age. Our age is the best time to enrich ourselves and learn knowledge. Early love is not what we should do. Of course, we can do what my uncle said because he gave us nobler life goals and ideas in our minds, so those low-level interests can no longer influence our thoughts and behaviors.

I am also grateful for the time I spent back at school because it made me realize once again the difference between myself and my classmates, and made me more grateful and understand what the time I spent with my uncle meant to my life.


In China, a large number of people are missing every day, and most of the victims are women. So my uncle taught us to pay attention to safety issues.

One time, I went out with two girls during the holidays. Since the journey was far, we chose to take an electric tricycle to the destination. After getting on the car, the three of us were so focused on chatting that we didn't notice that the car had gradually deviated from the main road. When we reacted, we were surrounded by unfamiliar scenery and there were few people.

Everyone said that if the situation seemed wrong, just jump out of the car. Later we found out that the driver chose a slightly remote road to avoid the rush hour. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm, but it also proved the importance of paying attention to safety when going out. After the uncle knew about this, he strictly ordered us not to go out alone without adult supervision. Even when we went out to buy groceries at uncle's place, we had to go together with at least three people for a short distance of 100 meters.

My uncle also asked our parents to send us girls to the door of his house and never let us take the elevator alone to avoid any accidents. My uncle always told us: Be cautious in your life and you will never make a big mistake! That's because this kind of mistake is something no one can afford!

On the contrary, my classmates in school don't pay much attention to this problem. I often see some girls sitting on a motorcycle taxi casually. Putting aside the issue of intimacy between men and women, the safety of motorcycle taxis is difficult to guarantee, but they think it doesn't matter. It's not difficult to understand why many female students disappear inexplicably in today's society.

My uncle said that girls must love themselves and that there are some things that they cannot and dare not touch. Once, a girl in the first grade of junior high school came to our school. She stayed here for only a short week. Before coming to us, she had been away from home for a long time, working in a bar outside and sleeping at her friend's house at night. We saw her writing many names on the draft paper, with sweet words next to them. According to her, they were all her boyfriends. My uncle's school is a boarding school, and she only goes home on weekends.

When she came back the second week, we saw kiss marks on her neck. Her parents said that she couldn't stand the loneliness on weekends, so she ran away from home secretly and didn't come back all night. Just like that, she left us, but she also taught us a profound lesson. She was originally a smart and lovely girl who loved history. If she could stay with her uncle, countless students have proved that she would have a bright future. Unfortunately, she made a mistake too early, and she missed a place that could change her life.

We also asked the uncle why this child was rejected, while so many children with more problems were kept by the uncle and their lives were changed. The uncle explained: A girl at this age can make any mistakes, but she must not make the mistake of eating the forbidden fruit at the age of 12. Once she tastes this thing, it is difficult for a child of this age to be interested in other things, just like a person's dependence on drugs, it is difficult to quit. From then on, we understood more deeply the profound truth of the uncle's words "do the right thing at the right time."

Now is a great opportunity for us to constantly enrich ourselves and train ourselves. If we can't stand the temptations of all kinds of messes and walk down a path of no return, wouldn't it be a pity to waste this precious human life. Isn't it the same for those drug addicts? At first, they were just curious and indulged themselves, but in the end they were deeply trapped and couldn't extricate themselves.

My uncle said that every great man has gone through a difficult process since childhood, gradually honing his perseverance and self-control. People must have self-control to resist temptation.


When I came back to my uncle's house again, I was no longer the little girl with low self-esteem because of the education he had given me. I was confident in my abilities. But confidence went too far and became complacency.

Every week, each of our children will write news, write about what happened this week or what they have learned, etc. This is not only to let parents understand their children's life and learning status here, but also to exercise the children's writing skills. Initially, since everyone's news manuscripts were handwritten, there was a person responsible for collecting, summarizing, and recording all the news on the computer every week.

One time, the kid who was in charge of collecting news that week had to go back to school for an exam and was going home on Thursday and Friday. News was usually due on Wednesday and Thursday and posted online on Friday. So I took the initiative to ask everyone to hand over the news of the week to the kid in charge of the next week. I thought that this would allow us to post the news in time, and I was smug about how I handled the matter properly.

Later, my uncle found out about this and gave me a severe reprimand. I then realized that I did this without considering the feelings of the classmate who was responsible for handling the news. My uncle asked me to imagine how you would feel if a task that was originally assigned to you was snatched away by someone else for no reason. At first, I was stubborn and said that I would feel relieved because I had saved myself a lot of trouble. But under my uncle's guidance, after thinking about it from his perspective, I realized that no one would be happy about this kind of thing. Saying that was just a self-deceiving excuse. Because we couldn't complain to the teacher about this kind of thing in school, we had developed this habit. My uncle said that humans are not actually very advanced creatures and have many bad habits. It takes a long time to correct a problem, and it may recur in the future. It only takes a moment to learn bad things. So whenever we were distressed because we couldn't correct our problems or found ourselves making the same mistakes again, my uncle would comfort us and tell us not to give up and to try again. He also taught us to compare with our past to find our progress and strengthen our confidence in correcting our mistakes.


A few months before my high school entrance exam, my uncle moved out of the small house with three bedrooms and two living rooms and moved to a bigger place to continue running the school. A bigger place means more things to do. I have a strong reaction ability and learn things very quickly, so my uncle likes to give me many things to do. When I first started doing things, I was full of enthusiasm and could handle everything quickly, and the quality was guaranteed. But later, as I kept repeating the same things, I gradually felt bored and wanted to do interesting and new things that I had never done before. For this reason, the tasks assigned to me by my uncle were sometimes ignored by me.

I remember that period of time, my uncle gave me the job of publishing the news every week. At the same time, two girls in the school proposed the idea of decorating the classroom walls. My uncle agreed, so they often got together to discuss this matter. At that time, I had been in charge of publishing the news for a while, and I was already tired of this boring and time-consuming task. So, I often went to the two classmates and used the excuse of giving them advice to avoid my own tasks. Usually, if my uncle assigned any work to other children, I would rely on my age and strong ability to "help" them, but in fact I was taking their work but ignoring my own work.

Of course, my little trick could not be hidden from my uncle's sharp eyes. So one week, when I made an excuse to delay the time of publishing the news, my uncle gave me a lecture. At the same time, my uncle also handed over the work of publishing the news that I was responsible for to other students. At first, I was happy that I could finally get rid of this job, but later, a feeling of being ignored and insignificant occupied my heart. At this time, I gradually understood the feelings of those students whose jobs I took away. In this way, my uncle made me understand a series of mistakes I made.

Similar things happened many times. When I came to my uncle's place in the third year of junior high school, I was not too old, and the older brothers and sisters above me were responsible for everything. But when I came back in high school, I became the older sister of many younger sisters. My uncle also entrusted many things to me. But at that time, I was lazy and didn't want to worry about it. I didn't want to do troublesome things.

So I pretended not to see many things I saw, such as the food in the storage room was about to go bad and the things in the warehouse were piled up in a mess. I knew these things, but I kept silent to avoid labor and hardship. For this, my uncle scolded me many times. My uncle said, "This shows that you are too selfish and you need to get rid of this heart." Later, the oldest sister here went abroad, and I became the main person responsible for these things. Later, in the process of continuous work and increasing responsibilities, I finally understood how proud and pleasant it is to be needed by others. From then on, I truly understood the meaning of the word "responsibility".

Good thoughts, actions and heart

In today's schools and in today's society, we have gradually become accustomed to pretending. Everyone should have had this experience: you are cursing someone in your heart, but when you meet, you are arm in arm, smiling, as if the two of you have a very good relationship. At the beginning, this is just a disguise, the purpose is to gain benefits from the other party. You may feel a little guilty or awkward at the beginning, but later, it becomes a habit, thinking that this is what you really think in your heart. Whether it is an adult or a child, it is the same. My uncle said that this is a typical split personality, and the whole Chinese society is suffering from this disease.

But after spending a long time with my uncle, we gradually learned to analyze our own hearts, to discover our true thoughts and feelings, and to have the courage to admit them (because many times, in order to escape the guilt in our hearts, we would instinctively

To deny it, people are all looking for comfort, so I think it is harder to admit than to discover it), and to change it. Because sometimes many things seem to be the same on the surface, but if you look deep into your heart, you will find out how many bad thoughts you had at that moment. But the uncle can find out our true thoughts very accurately and promptly, and correct our bad thoughts in time. At the beginning, I didn't know, thinking that as long as I pay attention to the problems in my behavior and avoid them, it will be fine. For example, I am a person who loves to eat, and I can't help wanting to eat more when I encounter delicious food. So when I get my meal, I will unconsciously get more delicious food, and in order to show fairness, other people will also get more accordingly. The uncle soon discovered and corrected my behavior. After that, I would consciously control my behavior, hoping not to make the same mistake again so as not to be discovered by my uncle.

But things did not go as planned. Despite paying attention to this problem consciously, the same mistakes kept happening. After a few times, I gradually lost my patience and asked my uncle for advice. My uncle told me that to correct mistakes, you have to change them from the heart. If you don't completely correct your selfish thoughts, it's useless to just correct your behavior. As long as you relax a little, your true thoughts will be exposed. And the purpose of correcting mistakes is to prevent my uncle from finding out, not to truly improve myself, so there will be no big changes.

My uncle told me that I should learn to reflect on my inner thoughts and stop any bad thoughts immediately. Before doing something, I should ask myself what my purpose is. If my purpose is good, it doesn’t matter if I don’t do it well in the end, because my starting point is good. But if my starting point is selfish and I want to do evil to others, it doesn’t matter if I do it perfectly. Because my purpose is not pure, I will sooner or later do things that harm others for my own purpose.

There is a story in the Four Lessons of Life. There was a man named Lu Wenyin. He just resigned from his position as prime minister and returned to his hometown. He was admired by people all over the country, like Mount Tai and the North Star. One day, he met a fellow villager who was drunk and lying in the middle of the road. Lu Wenyin's servant asked him to make way for Lu Wenyin. The man not only ignored him, but also spoke rudely to Lu Wenyin. Lu Wenyin was unmoved and said to his servant, "He is drunk, so don't bother with him." Then he took a detour. The next year, the man was sentenced to death and was beheaded. Others said that he had offended Lu Gong and deserved the punishment, but Lu Gong regretted it very much and said, "If I had dealt with him a little and sent him to the government for punishment, it would have been a small punishment but a big lesson. I just wanted to be kind and didn't want to foster his evil character, which led to this." This is a person who does evil things with good intentions. This is the most fundamental way to judge whether a person is very good or very evil.

Six Paths of Reincarnation

In the past, if we found bugs, our first reaction was to kill them. In the eyes of many people, bugs and animals are not considered living things, so there is no scruple to kill them. But here, we gradually understand some Buddhist principles: these small animals are also living things, they are the same as us. In Buddhism, there is a theory of six realms of reincarnation: you are a human in this life, and you may be a bug or an animal in the next life. And everyone who comes to you, whether it is a person, an animal, or even an object, has a great affinity with you. Maybe in a previous life, they were your relatives. Therefore, the Buddha taught us, "Everyone around you was once your family. When someone comes to you in this life, you must treat him/her like a family member." Therefore, whenever the children here find insects, they will consciously choose to catch them with a cup and release them outside the window. We also release animals on weekdays. Every time we see those creatures regain their freedom and avoid the pain of frying in oil, we all smile sincerely.

In fact, this also explains why some parents do not quite understand some of my uncle's practices. My uncle is a devout Buddhist. He believes that bringing a child to the path of faith in gods and Buddhas, and the child's inner Buddhist constraints, is much safer and more effective than relying on the blood relationship and protection of ordinary people such as parents in the world. Because my uncle looks at things from the perspective of the six realms of reincarnation of gods and Buddhas, my uncle always treats us as his relatives from different periods of time. From this perspective, it can be said that my uncle's care for each of us children is in no way inferior to, and even exceeds, the care that our parents give us in this life. That is another level of care, a care for the essence of life! Unfortunately, most of our parents are atheists. They do not believe that there are purer and nobler relationships between people in this world that transcend blood ties. Sometimes they don’t understand why we listen to our uncle so much. It’s because of the love and care that is built on a bond that has been formed over billions of years. How I wish some parents could understand this!

Honesty, Kindness and Today's Society

What makes me happier than my improved grades is that I can constantly improve my character flaws. This year I graduated from high school and left my uncle's place again. Although I am not sure whether I can maintain the status quo with my uncle, I am still full of confidence in the future. My life has completely changed, but this change is something my parents cannot find or understand. In their eyes, they only see the improvement of my grades.

I am already 18 years old this year, but deep down, I still feel like I am only 15 or 16 years old. My parents are always worried that I will stumble in the future because of my personality. In their opinion, there is nothing wrong with this smoky world, it is just that I cannot adapt to this society. They think that my uncle has made me very honest or stupid during these years, so that I will not be able to integrate into this society in the future. What a wrong view.

I once wrote in my article "Why I Want to Study Abroad" published in the Feidu Education Student Works Showcase: It's not the uncle's upbringing that is wrong, it's the society that is wrong! I will never go along with this society.

My uncle often told us: "If you don't share the same ideals, don't make plans together!" It is my principle to not associate with those who share different ideals. Instead of talking about food and drink with classmates whose thinking level is far inferior to mine, it is more effective to quietly work hard to improve my own abilities. These classmates are not worthy of being my companions in the future life! I will never feel lonely because of this, because I have faith, because I have the works of saints, and I will have, and there will be more and more friends who truly know the right and wrong of the world to accompany me as I grow up!

Therefore, I am not worried about whether I can gain a foothold in this society. I have the qualities of kindness, sincerity and perseverance that are needed even in the world of five poisons. I have the talents that this world and society need. Why can't this society have a place for me? Why must I rely on a smooth philosophy of dealing with things to gain a place for myself? I only need to do my job seriously, quietly and steadily, and survival will not be difficult! Moreover, the gods and Buddhas that have been deeply rooted in my heart will surely protect me and help me walk safely through the road of life without being humble or arrogant!

Our uncle

Many parents have discovered a phenomenon and found it very strange: Why do the children in Feidu listen to their uncles so much, protect their uncles so much, and never allow their parents or outsiders to say anything bad about their uncles behind their backs? Why? The children here have never talked about this issue in their articles. Today I will explain why from my perspective.

For me, and only I know, my uncle gave me a second life - the revival of my soul!

Uncle gave us faith, helped us establish life goals, improved our moral standards, gave us a correct standard for judging the world, gave us a correct worldview, gave us self-control that is unmatched by our peers, gave us an elegant temperament, made us neither humble nor overbearing when dealing with people, made us confident but not conceited, humble but not inferior, brave but not reckless, helped us master the learning methods that will benefit us for life, helped us develop good habits, helped us have a healthy body, and equipped us with the skills to gain a foothold in this society: university majors, cooking, financial management, shopping, social skills, etc. He has so many enviable abilities. And all these changes are not enough for us to respect and love our teacher - uncle! Are we able to use our weak voices to defend our uncle's educational reputation in front of parents and outsiders who do not understand him? I can't help but shed tears as I write this. Not for me, but for our uncle who changed our lives.

Before I left Feidu Education, my uncle expressed his intention to give up this kind of education in front of us older children several times. We deeply understood. My uncle alone devoted all his energy and efforts to the growth of us children, but he often did not get the understanding and support of some parents. In the conversations with the parents, I rarely heard them praise my uncle, and rarely thanked him for the changes he made in our lives. In fact, I can understand that it is not that they are unwilling, but that they simply cannot see the changes we have undergone.

Anyone who is dissatisfied with my uncle does not understand my uncle's education at all, because they are so far from my uncle! How should a person live in this world? Should a real person have faith and morality? What kind of faith and quality should he have? In the eyes of many parents in China today, these things are empty and meaningless. However, today I already know that these are the most precious things in life, the priceless treasures of life! However, a treasure is just trash in the eyes of a person who does not know the treasure. To the person who brings him this treasure, it is naturally worthless in their eyes.

Uncle is such a treasure-giver who brought priceless treasures to today's parents, but he was misunderstood and even slandered by some parents. I can understand how Uncle's love and kindness for children were hurt. Even so, Uncle always taught us to respect our parents and treat them well. He told us that our parents are good people, but the environment they grew up in made them ignorant or ignorant. This is why we don't have much in common with our parents, but we still strive to respect and treat our parents well.

The older children were deeply touched when we talked to our parents. When we treated our parents, we were obedient and respectful, which our peers could hardly do, and the qualities that our uncles strictly required. However, our parents often turned a blind eye to this. They often saw our shortcomings and often used more unattainable or even unreasonable standards to demand us. Therefore, in their eyes, we were just like our uncles, and we would never meet their requirements.

What caused this situation? Ignorance! The lack of a correct way of thinking about the world. Uncle is an elder who leads a group of young children in a society where everyone else is drunk but he is the only one who is sober. Occasionally, he will meet one or two like-minded people. After a brief intersection of life trajectories, he will once again go against the current and move forward alone. Sometimes when we, the older children, see the lonely and resolute figure of Uncle, we feel very sad. This is one of the reasons why we protect Uncle so much!

The second reason is that we were able to achieve the above changes because of our uncle's constant teaching and example, helping us to improve and perfect ourselves. The excellent qualities we have today are like the light that pierces the darkness, shining on our uncle, otherwise we would not have these excellent qualities.

Once a parent asked her child bluntly: "We think Teacher Ding is just average, why do you admire and respect your uncle so much?" The child answered her mother: "Uncle is proud and respectable. He never gives up his principles for money, including the principles of educating children. Uncle is honest and trustworthy. He always keeps his promises to us and has never cheated us. Uncle treats children fairly and rewards and punishes clearly. Uncle does not smoke, drink, or gamble. Uncle insists on being a vegetarian. These were all bad habits that Uncle had before, but he gave them up later. Uncle does not have any bad habits now. What kind of willpower does it take?"

"Uncle always does what he asks us to do first: every morning when we get up at 6:30, he will be waiting at the door to greet us; Uncle asks us to meditate for 2 hours, but he always exceeds our time, often 3 or 4 hours. You don't understand how much meditation tests one's willpower and self-control. Uncle has self-control that we can't reach; Uncle has been getting up at 3 or 4 in the morning to exercise for decades, and he still has to deal with many things before he can fall asleep at night after we all go to bed. He often only sleeps 2 or 3 hours at night, but Uncle always maintains strong energy during the day to answer our questions and educate us. This is very difficult for ordinary people to understand and do."

"And my uncle is very knowledgeable: whether it's math, physics, chemistry, English, or humanities, history, psychology, philosophy, he knows everything. My uncle's strong insight and observation always help him find and answer our questions in time and resolve our doubts. There are many other advantages of my uncle that I cannot list here that deserve our admiration and respect. I would like to ask my parents, which of us parents can have all of these qualities of my uncle or only a few of them?"

The child told us that her mother was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth. It should be said that the child had already let her parents know what kind of teacher she was learning from. Unfortunately, after a period of time, the same doubts returned to her parents' minds, because her parents had already forgotten everything she had told them! Oh, this is what we feel the most for the uncle. Well, I have talked about some heavy topics, please forgive me if I have offended parents.

This is the end of my article. Finally, I want to tell everyone: This is the happiest time of my life. This is my favorite place. Everything that happened here is a precious memory that I will never forget in my life.

Teacher Ding's comments:

Another year, another article, this is the last paper Jingyi handed in to me. I am both satisfied and dissatisfied with this paper. But whether I am satisfied or dissatisfied, I understand very well that it was not easy for Jingyi to complete this paper. Due to some reasons, the difficulty of completing this paper is much greater than that of all other papers written by students of Feidu Education.

I have to say that Jingyi's article is more detailed and pays more attention to the description of details. Of course, because of this, the article also reveals many details of the uncle's education. These are what I originally disagreed with appearing in the article, because the more details are shown, the easier it is to be misunderstood.

However, the child's sincere words and true feelings still deeply moved me.

Jingyi is a very observant and considerate child, with quick reactions and careful thinking. So in the few years I have been with her, I often talk to her as a close friend regardless of age difference, so her understanding of her uncle is different from that of other children. I think her understanding of her uncle's educational ideas is far beyond her age.

Thank you Jingyi, thank you Jingyi for your understanding of your uncle's education. Your uncle wishes Jingyi a bright and wonderful life ahead.

The children's article actually touches on some things that have puzzled us parents for a long time. I think Jingyi's narration can help to resolve the confusion of these parents and make them understand some of the education I am talking about. So I will recommend this article to our parents. However, it is more than 20,000 words long. I hope that in today's world where people's hearts are more volatile, some parents can read it quietly.

I have made some slight changes to this article while respecting the original text.

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Piao, Huiling
Piao, Huiling
2 months ago

This is an article written with true feelings! Very touching and convincing. The most attractive part of the article is the detailed description of the author's inner feelings and emotions during her growth, which allows readers to experience how a confused and frustrated girl finds hope and gradually grows stronger. The power of education is reflected in the sublimation of the soul!
