Teacher Ding's words to parents - Explanation


Delay in launching education website
I promised some parents a long time ago that I would make a teaching and training website to guide parents in educating their children. I promised that it would be out in a few months, but in reality it took a year or two to present such a rough website to everyone. To be honest, my specialty is in education. I am a layman in recording programs and even making websites, and I need help from others. In this process, coordinating with others and communicating repeatedly is actually very time-consuming. At the same time, due to too many miscellaneous matters in various aspects, the website and course launch progressed slowly, and the time was delayed again and again. I am really sorry for making everyone wait for too long.

Reasons for not responding to parents' messages in a timely manner
During the time when I was making the website and recording the course, some parents consulted me about their children's education. I didn't reply very promptly and sometimes I didn't reply at all. It's not because I have any opinions on you, but because I know that one or two consultations are not only a waste of time but also can't fundamentally solve the children's problems. Only by allowing parents to systematically and comprehensively master the educational concepts and methods can we truly fundamentally solve the problems faced by children. So during this period, I have been trying my best to complete my online courses. So I hope that those parents who didn't receive my feedback in time will understand.
