No matter what your child's Chinese foundation is, by using our learning method, they can master Chinese in just three months of spare time (every night) and achieve the goal of being able to read and communicate in Chinese.

Learn Chinese in three months

A letter to children and parents who are learning or preparing to learn Chinese.

                                                   ——  Cambridge Secondary School Chinese Department 

Is your child learning Chinese?
Has your child studied Chinese for a long time, such as one year, two years or longer? But what is the level of Chinese he/she has achieved? Most children should have achieved little success.
Why do children work so hard to learn Chinese for so long but end up with this result?
Now let us tell you why:
First, there is something wrong with the way children learn Chinese. Most children take a few Chinese classes at Chinese schools every weekend. Whether it is a large class, a small class or a one-on-one course, this method not only consumes your and your children's precious time every weekend, but also pursues the form of learning English rather than the essence of learning Chinese. In most cases, this learning method plays a role of psychological comfort. This so-called easy way to learn Chinese is actually the most common and the least effective way of learning. The reason is simple. The effect of learning a language depends on how much and how proficient the language content is remembered. It is essentially a process of memory and forgetting. Therefore, children only learn Chinese for a few hours a week, and most of the other time they are basically forgotten. Even if the school teacher reminds parents to let their children review seriously after returning home, because the children are young and lack the initiative to learn, parents sometimes have no time to supervise or supervise poorly, so this kind of review at home is useless and it is difficult to achieve good results. Therefore, children repeat the vicious cycle of learning two and forgetting one, or even learning three and forgetting two every week, and the knowledge left in their minds is very limited.
Therefore, the best way to learn a foreign language for most people (including children) is to learn a lot in a short period of time, quickly accumulate a lot of language knowledge in a short period of time, and make sure that what is remembered is far greater than what is forgotten. Therefore, in principle, language learning must be "quickly acquired".This is the only efficient way to learn (parents please note that we are talking about learning methods, not learning methods).
In addition, parents who have learned foreign languages or mastered a foreign language have this experience. Learning anything has a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, and the same is true for learning a language. Language learning can only achieve qualitative change after the accumulation of quantitative change, that is, after mastering the language proficiently, even if you don’t use or rarely use the language for a few years, at most you will feel a little unfamiliar, but you will never forget this language skill. The rapid achievement of a language is to let children’s language learning quickly reach such a level and achieve this qualitative change process, that is, children quickly and proficiently master such a language, and this language will truly become a skill that children will never lose throughout their lives. In this way, the time and energy invested by children and parents will be truly efficient and will not be wasted.
The procrastination in language learning, where people forget what they have learned and learn again, has led to a vicious cycle in language learning, which ultimately leads to it taking too long to master the language. Many people even fail to learn the language for this reason. Our children must never take this bad language learning path again.
Secondly, due to the inefficiency of the learning method when learning Chinese, the content learned in the few classes per week is extremely limited, which is exactly what we are more proud of. We have a most efficient Chinese learning method, which was invented by our school principal, a true student education expert, Mr. Ding. This learning method enables children to acquire much more knowledge per unit time (per class) than the original learning method. When you understand that our method has been proven to be the most efficient learning method in learning Chinese, you will have confidence that your children will master Chinese, which some people call the most difficult language in the world, in a very short time.
Thirdly, children go through such a long process of learning Chinese but do not see the actual effect of "learning Chinese and applying Chinese", which gradually exhausts their enthusiasm for learning Chinese. Learning Chinese, which was originally a very happy thing, becomes more and more boring, and children gradually lose their initiative to learn. Therefore, even if your children take so-called one-on-one courses, whether online or offline, these problems are still inevitable, and they will inevitably enter a vicious circle. In this way, children are destined to spend more time and energy to master Chinese, and many children even give up halfway and never master this important skill of Chinese.
Fourth, and most importantly,It is not easy for children to not learn Chinese for a long time. Many parents do not realize that when their children do something for a long time without success, this sense of frustration will greatly affect their confidence in learning or doing other things in their subconscious mind. This kind of harm is invisible and more terrible (this is a very important issue, which cannot be discussed in detail here. You can learn about the teacher's relevant information and the teacher's insightful explanation of children's education issues from the "Teacher Ding Talks about Education" channel recently opened by Teacher Ding on YouTube).So if you really want your children to truly master Chinese and benefit from Chinese in their lives, and even if you have realized that the success of Chinese learning makes your children more confident and challenging in learning or other aspects, then please immediately give up the original inefficient way of learning Chinese, and learn about and join our Chinese courses. We bring your children a brand new way and method of learning Chinese that you have never experienced before. The direct effect of this learning method is that your children can use their spare time (every night at this time) to have the ability to read, write and communicate in Chinese in just three months, so that children will be full of confidence in learning and doing things, and their lives will enter a virtuous circle.
As for how we achieve such incredible results, just call or come to our school for consultation, and all your questions will disappear. You will then know that there is such a magical way to learn Chinese in this world.

A few notes on studying our courses:
1. The course is suitable for students aged 10-16.
2. Our curriculum and objectives:
Our curriculum and arrangement are based on the above-mentioned rules of rapid language learning, that is, 1. learning a lot in a short period of time; 2. quickly mastering Chinese to a proficient level in a short period of time to achieve a qualitative change in language learning. Through this period of learning, Chinese becomes a skill that children can benefit from for life and will never regress.
The course is divided into three phases:
The first phase of the "Basic Course":The course lasts three months, and after completing the course, the child's level can reach the result of reading and communicating in Chinese. We will show parents a Chinese book before the course starts. This book (or a book of the same level) will be used to test the child's Chinese level three months later. By then, the child must be able to read and explain the contents of the book in Chinese. More detailed testing methods and standards will be explained in the information during the face-to-face consultation.
The second phase of "Advanced Course":The course lasts for two months. Upon completion, students will be able to master Chinese fluently, with a level close to that of a native Chinese speaker.
The third session of "Chinese Standardized HSK Examination Course": The course lasts for one month and can successfully pass the HSK5-6 level examinations.
We have not seen any Chinese language school that dares to promise how long it will take for students to learn Chinese and has an objective testing standard; nor have we seen any school that promises to refund tuition if the child does not meet the learning standards. Our school is different from other schools. We promise that children can reach the above-mentioned level after each course.If the above levels are not achieved, our contract promises to refund tuition fees. We dare to make such a promise not only to attract you and recruit your children. No. We work hard for many days, but in the end, we can't achieve the learning effect and then refund your tuition. This is certainly not our purpose. The reason why we dare to make such a promise is that we believe that without special reasons, such a refund of tuition will never happen, because we have absolute confidence in our teaching methods and abilities, and we can definitely achieve the teaching level we promised. We also require that we must do this, because even if we fulfill the refund of students' tuition to prove how trustworthy our school is, this is definitely not the goal pursued by our school, because we know that even if the tuition can be refunded, the time and energy spent by students and parents will never be recovered. These things that are more precious than money cannot be refunded. Based on this view and principle, the learning method studied by our teacher Ding can definitely ensure that all students who participate in the course can learn Chinese. We will never waste the precious time, energy and even life of students and parents. This is our goal.
3. Since we want students to reach such a high level of Chinese in such a short time, they must study with extremely high efficiency. We have efficient learning methods, but efficient learning has certain requirements on children's psychology and intelligence. Therefore, in order to ensure that every student we recruit can achieve the learning effect we mentioned above, we will conduct some psychological and intellectual tests on children during enrollment (our tests are open and transparent, requiring parents to participate in the tests together, and parents and we will know the test results at the same time after the tests are completed). If a child fails the test, it means that he cannot bear the intensity requirements of our course. If he participates in the course reluctantly, the learning effect will not meet the learning standards we set and the expectations of parents, so we will not choose such children to participate in our courses.
Based on this, we really welcome you to bring your child for consultation and test whether your child has the ability to master Chinese in a short period of time. This is a small challenge. Don't worry, this test is free of charge.
4. Course Price:
Regarding the price of our courses, there are many related factors, such as installment payment, one-time payment, whether to take one course or both, the level of the child's test results, and whether the order of registration and whether the preferential policy can be met early or late, all of which are related to the price. Therefore, only after you come and understand our pricing system in detail can you finally determine your price. But in any case, based on our teaching methods and quality, as well as a series of high-quality guarantees such as "guaranteeing that we will refund if the learning does not meet the standards recognized by parents and us", our price is undoubtedly higher than the current market price. The reason is very simple, you get what you pay for. However, in order to promote our education and let more people know about our school's unique educational methods and unique effects, the price we are currently offering is similar to the promotional price, which is the average price level of one-to-one courses (online or offline) in the Toronto area for this age group. But in terms of effect, the effect of those so-called one-to-one courses cannot be compared with ours. We have a trial class, and when you experience it yourself, you will find how great value this course is.
In addition to the price, you should also consider the huge amount of time and energy that you and your children spend on learning Chinese. As we have repeatedly emphasized before, we can earn back the money we spend, but once the time and energy of children are spent and the results are minimal, the children will grow up and time cannot be recovered. This is the most precious and irreparable time. At the same time, if you miss the best time to master Chinese, the adverse effects on your children's future are self-evident. We not only save you from spending too much money that exceeds the current average level, but more importantly, we will not waste your children and your time. We provide you with an opportunity to let your children use three months of their spare time in their lives to exchange for a Chinese language skill that you may not have mastered in many years before. And there is no doubt that your children will surpass all the children who have studied Chinese with him in just three months. By that time, you will definitely be proud of your children's achievements.

It is difficult to fully explain in this letter the details of the course settings, how to pay the fees, how to ensure learning outcomes, how to get a refund, and a series of other regulations. You will receive detailed instructions when you come to the school for consultation.
Please come to our school for a face-to-face consultation. Please bring your child with you. After the consultation, you will know what real Chinese education is, and even what real education is. You will find out how much impact this Chinese learning will have on your child's life.

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter. We will see you in the consultation room - parents and students who have already realized the value of our program.

Face-to-face consultation:
Location: Cambridge Middle School: 5873 Highway 7 East, Unit 200, Markham, ON L3P 1A3 
Time: (Face-to-face consultation from Monday to Friday, appointment required);
(Saturday and Sunday: 1pm-5pm, no reservation required)
English consultation phone number: (647) 609-6822/905-472-0101 (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day)
Chinese consultation hotline: (647) 289-1895 (2pm to 5pm every day)
Contact email: (can be used for consultation and appointment)

If you have any questions about learning Chinese or children's education and want to learn more information, you can check out Teacher Ding's YouTube channel "Teacher Ding Talks about Education"
